

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Candy Crush Level 29 Guide

Candy Crush Level 29 Help / Tips

Mission: Clear all the jelly


 *wobble wobble* ヽ(*・ω・)ノ

Moves given: 60
Tries needed: Around 5-10 tries


There are swirly jelly with no candy??
Tip: Do combos that have larger surface area contact with the swirly jelly

I'm sure you already know! A combo in contact with the swirly jelly will reduce it into a simple 2 layer jelly! The swirly jelly can also be reduced by striped candy combos and wrapper candy combos.

Tip: When you have the chance, clear the hard-to-get areas

The angry CiCi will show you the hard to get areas!! Leftover jelly sticks around these places often!! ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ

Clear these first whenever possible unless you have a stripped / wrapper / bomb candy option waiting for you!

At Level 29 the player is still new to the game, so here are the combo tips!

If you have horizontal striped candy, they explode horizontally!
Activate them on the top or bottom where the jellies are, and not in the middle where there are zero jelly~

If you have vertical striped candy, they explode vertically!
Activate them where the jellies are!

More gummyisland's combo tips for beginner levels can be found HERE

This level is not difficult, just tedious.. but you have to keep trying!

Good luck!

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